A guide to safer gambling

For many people. visiting a casino is a fun and enjoyable form of entertainment and one of the things that makes the experience exciting Is the element of risk and the chance to win, or to lose money. With any risk-taking activity it is important to ensure that you do not lose control. and for a small minority. gambling can become a problem. The temptation to keep trying your luck. or re-experience an early win may become irresistible. It's when you lose control of your gambling that it ceases to be an enjoyable social experience.

If each time you win. you find that you spend your winnings on more gambling, and if you lose. you desperately continue. hoping that a 'big win' is just around the corner, you may need to take stock of your gaming. If gambling has taken over your life and dominates your thoughts, if you cannot stop until you have run out of money or if you have lost relationships, friends, possessions or jobs as a result of your gambling then you may find the following information may helpful.


Hot to stay in control


At Coral Island Casino we are committed to helping our customers stay in control and there are some simple steps you can take to ensure gaming remains a safe and enjoyable experience. 

  • Only gamble with what you can afford to lose, set yourself a limit and stick to it.
  • Set a time limit on how long you will play for.
  • Remember to take regular breaks. Perhaps get something to eat, some fresh air or just step away and gather your thoughts.
  • Set yourself an affordable limit if you use the Casino Cash Desk facilities.
  • Use tools to control yourself.
  • Never chase your losses


Is gambling negatively affecting you? 

Ask yourself the following questions to help understand if gambling is becoming an issue for you. 

  • Have you put at risk important or significant relationships, a job or your career because of gambling?
  • Do you see gambling as a means of escape from problems or other feelings?
  • Do you find yourself re-living previous gambling experiences and thinking of ways that you can get more money to gamble?
  • Have you ever claimed to be winning from gambling when, in fact, you are losing?
  • When you run out of money for gambling, do you feel loss and despair and need to gamble again as soon as possible?
  • Do you gamble all of your money, including what you may need to get home or for food and drink?
  • Have you lied, stolen or borrowed money for gambling?
  • Do you chase gambling losses or quickly return to gambling when on a losing streak?
  • Are you reluctant to spend your money on normal things?
  • Are you in debt because of gambling?
  • Do you try to hide the extent of your gambling from friends and family?
  • Do arguments, frustrations or disappointments make you want to gamble?
  • Have you ever thought of suicide as a way of solving your problems?


If you answer 'yes' to any of the above, the greater the likelihood that your gambling may be an issue. It is essential that you speak to someone about this.

You can also complete the ‘GamTest’ at www.gamcare.org.uk/understanding-gambling-problems/self-assessment-tool


Getting back in Control

Firstly, be honest with yourself and with others about your concerns and gambling habits. Taking responsibility and seeking help is vital to ensure that you and those close to you are not negatively impacted by your gambling. The following outlines some steps you can take to begin to address any concerns around your gambling. 

  • Call the National Gambling Helpline who can offer advice and support in dealing with gaming issues.
  • Talk about it with someone you trust: A friend, family member or counsellor.
  • Ask someone you trust to handle your money for an agreed amount of time.
  • Talk in confidence to the Duty Manager at the casino. They are well trained in the issues involved and can assist you getting help and to self- exclude from the casino for a period of time if desired.
  • We operate both local and nationwide Self Exclusion schemes (nationally via SENSE) to prevent you from entering any casino in the UK. Please speak with a member of Management to discuss this option or visit https://www.senseselfexclusion.com/ for more information.


Seeking help and advice


SENSE - Self Exclusion (Casinos)


The SENSE self-exclusion programme is available for anyone who may be experiencing gambling problems to enrol in a scheme to exclude themselves nationally from all land-based casinos in Great Britain licensed by the Gambling Commission. For information and details on how to self-exclude yourself from Casinos please visit;



BISES – Self Exclusion (Bingo)


The BISES self-exclusion programme is available for anyone who may be experiencing gambling problems to enrol in a scheme to exclude themselves nationally from all land-based licensed Bingo premises in the UK. For information and details on how to self-exclude yourself from Bingo premises please visit;



GamCare Helpline:

0845 6000 133

GamCare operate the National Gambling Helpline and offer confidential information, advice and support for anyone harmed by gambling in Great Britain. The Helpline is open 24 hours every day on Freephone 0808 8020 133 or via Live Chat. Advisers will listen to you; they won’t judge and your conversation is confidential.



GambleAware offer free, confidential help and support to anyone who’s worried about their – or someone else’s – gambling.



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