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Wednesday 15th March 2023

Throughout history, mankind has been fascinated with gambling. A pair of dice was found in an Egyptian tomb that dated back to 3,000 BC, the citizens of ancient Rome gambled on the streets, and the Chinese developed card games back in the 10th century. However, throughout thousands of years of recorded history, gambling myths became entwined with reality.


Even in the modern age of gambling, with state-of-the-art technology, online casinos, and strict regulation, casino myths and some quite outlandish conspiracy theories still exist. Likely it’s the aura of the combination of luck and skill that become the foundation for many gambling myths, with some loosely connected with reality, and others being rather imaginative.


Most of these myths suggest that casinos are designed to cheat players out of their hard-earned cash, while some suggest that there are tricks that can help players ‘beat the system’ and increase their chances of winning.


Let’s have a look at seven of the most common casino myths and superstitions, and help separate fact from fiction.


Casinos are rigged


This is likely one of the most commonly believed casino myths, which might be based on a little fact, but like many myths, has been taken too far.


A casino is a business, and like all businesses, it exists to make money. A casino will have an advantage, often called the ‘house edge’, which means that, in the long run, all the casino games are statistically designed to earn the casino more money than it pays out to players. Otherwise, how else would a casino be able to stay in business?


However, this does not mean that players cannot win, or that the odds are stacked against them. Casino games have a Random Number Generator, or RNG, which has been simulated billions of times by casinos and casino game developers, which guarantees an exact payback percentage, and ensures that every player has an equal chance to win.


These RNGs are also routinely checked by the regulator, so forget these myths and conspiracy theories, and remember to play responsibly. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose - that’s all part of the game!


Card counting is illegal


To set the record straight, card counting is not illegal, and will not get you arrested. However, casinos do not want anyone to count cards at the table, as it means you are using a skill that will help boost your chances of winning, giving you an edge over the house.


If you’re caught counting cards, you will likely be asked to leave the casino and never return, and you could have your details passed on to other casinos so they can ban you too.


But most modern casinos use an automatic card shuffling machine instead of the old-fashioned shoe, which makes card counting near impossible, and even for those still using a shoe, card counting is incredibly difficult and even the best card counters will only gain around a one per cent advantage.


A big win is due if a slot machine hasn’t paid out in a while


The slot machines are simply that - machines, and they are incapable of knowing whether they have paid out recently or not, nor feel any obligation to pay out. Slots use an RNG, as mentioned above, which ensures a new combination with every spin.


This means that every spin is a random and isolated event, and there is never any guarantee that another press of the button or a pull of the lever will edge you closer to that big win.


Casinos pump oxygen into the room to keep players energised


This is a common myth from Las Vegas, and some myths like to take it a step further to suggest that some casinos use pheromones in their air conditioning to encourage players to bet more aggressively.


It’s quite a far-fetched myth but believed by some players to explain why they still feel so energised even when they have spent up, when in truth it is likely the adrenaline still coursing through their veins from the rush of the game.


Scientifically, there is no truth in the notion that players will feel less tired with more oxygen being pumped into a casino, nor any truth that it could influence gambling habits. It is also worth noting that it is illegal in the UK and the US to tamper with air supplies, and would be a very risky thing for a casino to attempt.


Skilled dealers can manipulate the roulette wheel to avoid big payouts


Another common myth is that casino staff are secretly working to cheat you out of winning. Undoubtedly, the dealers know how to operate the roulette table and know the rules of the game inside and out, but there are too many random factors that affect the outcome of a roulette wheel for the dealer to be able to have any influence at all.


The wheel and the ball travel in opposite directions, and the frets on the wheel encourage the ball to bounce and ricochet wildly, so it is difficult to imagine how the dealer would be able to control any or all of these elements to direct the ball into a particular slot.


It is also worth considering that if a dealer is caught cheating, then the penalties faced by the casino would far outweigh the little that could be won by a cheating dealer. Any predictability can also work against the house, so it is in the casino’s interests to ensure the sheer randomness of the game is preserved.


A busy casino means a better chance of winning on the slots


A busy casino will mean there will likely be more payouts than a quiet one, but only because more games are being played at any given time. But whether you're in a quiet casino or a busy one, your individual chances of winning are the same.


All Casino Games Are Pure Luck


It is true that lady luck plays a big role in casino games, but the myth that all games are based on pure luck isn’t exactly true.


Casino games can be categorised into ‘soft’ games which are mainly based on luck, and ‘skill’ games which, as the name suggests, enable players to use their skills to try and affect the outcome of the game to some degree.


For example, slot machines and games such as bingo would be classed as ‘soft’, as there is little that the player can do to affect the outcome of the spin or the numbers being called. But some skills can be developed to help in games such as Blackjack or Poker. These table games are considered games of skill.


However, while not ‘pure’ luck, chance and luck still play a role in all casino games, including those considered skill games.


Bonus: You’ll win if you keep playing


Whether you’re sat at the table or a slot machine, if you’re not winning, you may feel inclined to keep going, believing that one more spin or one more round will be the winner. Then one more becomes two, and then three, and so on.


There is never any guarantee that you will win if you keep playing. Always remember to practice safe and sensible gambling, set limits on how much to spend and how long to play, and focus on the enjoyment of the game rather than on making big money.


If you need help with setting limits and other good advice on safer gambling, visit


In conclusion


Casino and gambling myths are typically based on superstition and little else. We hope we have managed to help separate fact from fiction with some obvious truths, but many myths will still unfortunately prevail.


If you feel you’re on a losing streak, then the best advice is to walk away and let go of any conspiracy theories, which will make it easier for you to come back another time in a better frame of mind and with fresh chances to win.


Remember that whether you’re playing games of luck or games of skill, play within your limits, stay safe, and if your luck is down, take a break.

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